30 апр


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1 Подписать и распространить петицию https://www.change.org/p/ban-whaling-in-iceland Если не работает ссылка - попробуйте зайти через VPN - в нескольких странах платформа Change запрещена, поэтому она у вас не открывается
В прошлом году мы уже писали письма бывшему министру и тогда удалось спасти 125 китов. Верю, что мы сможем сделать это снова!
📨✍️В теме письма написать “please stop whaling”
ТЕКСТ ПИСЬМА ПО e-mail: bjarkey.olsen.gunnarsdottir@mar.is Dear Minister,
I am writing to you with a heartfelt plea regarding the practice of whale hunting in Iceland. As a concerned citizen deeply committed to the preservation of marine life, I urge you to consider not issuing a new whaling license and implementing a ban on whale hunting in Iceland.
Whales are majestic creatures that play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of our oceans. However, the continuation of whale hunting not only threatens the survival of these magnificent animals but also undermines global efforts towards marine conservation and sustainable fisheries management.
The exploitation of whales for commercial purposes not only raises ethical concerns but also tarnishes Iceland's reputation as a responsible steward of its natural resources. With the growing recognition of the importance of marine conservation worldwide, it is imperative that Iceland takes a proactive stance in protecting these vulnerable species.
Iceland has the opportunity to lead by example and demonstrate its commitment to environmental sustainability by ending the practice of whale hunting. By transitioning towards non-lethal alternatives such as whale watching, Iceland can promote eco-tourism and generate revenue while preserving its natural heritage for future generations.
I implore you to heed this call and take decisive action to ban whale hunting in Iceland. Your leadership on this issue will not only safeguard the welfare of whales but also enhance Iceland's standing as a champion of marine conservation.
Life is sacred🌏🐬💜
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.
Sincerely, ____
(написать ваше имя фамилия)
Dear Minister,
Fin whales are an endangered species that have declined in population up to 90% since the start of commercial hunting two centuries ago. They are under threat as well from ocean warming, pollution, ocean acidification, plastic pollution and ship strikes.
Iceland should be at the forefront of protecting whales and ocean biodiversity instead of being the last to take responsibility. The world came together to protect these magnificent animals almost forty years ago with a moratorium on commercial whaling, and Iceland should join the international community in that effort.
I ask you not to issue a new hunting license, and to call for whaling to be banned in Iceland.
It would be an achievement that you and Iceland could be proud of.
Life is sacred🌏🐬💜
Dear Minister,
I urge you not to issue new whale hunting licenses and to advocate for a ban on whaling in Iceland.
I have been following this issue for many years. Whaling in Iceland holds no economic value, and the majority of Icelandic people oppose the practice. This practice tarnishes the reputation of your beautiful country, and I am one of many who refuse to visit Iceland solely because whales are still permitted to be hunted.
I implore you to make the much-needed decision to protect the whales. They are far more valuable to us alive. Whales play an enormous role in the ocean's ecosystem and the climate of our planet. We must protect these gentle giants, and I believe Iceland is ready to take this important step. You have the power to make it happen. People from Iceland and around the globe support this decision. It will be an achievement that you can be proud of.
Life is sacred🌏🐬💜
Sincerely, ____ (написать ваше имя и фамилию)

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