Celebrity Tomato.

Fruit size: 7 to 8 oz /200 gr.+/
Matures: 65 days after planting
Spacing: 24 to 36 inches
Plant size: 3 to 4 feet tall
Plant type: Determinate
Celebrity vines bear clusters of large tomatoes that are prized for their flavor. This is a great, all-round, dependable choice for your “basic” tomato needs — sandwiches, slicing, snacks, and bruschetta. Gardeners love that the plants are quite resistant to disease, too. The large, meaty fruit with exceptional flavor are borne on dependable, strong vines that benefit from the support of a cage or stake to keep them upright, especially when loaded with fruit. Celebrity is sometimes considered a semi-determinate tomato plant, because it grows to a certain height (3 to 4 feet) but continues to produce fruit all season until frost.
Resistant to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (F), nematodes, and tobacco mosaic virus (T).
Some Bonnie Plants varieties may not be available at your local stores, as we select and sell varieties best suited to the growing conditions in each region.
Categories: All America Winners, All Tomatoes, Classic, Determinate, Early Maturing, Most Popular, Super Disease Resistant, Tomatoes, Vegetables.
At a Glance Nutritional Information.
Planting: Space 18 to 36 inches apart, depending on type. (Read the stick tag that comes with the plant for specific spacing recommendations.) Plant deeply, burying 2/3 of the stem.
Soil requirements: Tomatoes need well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Amend soil with compost or other organic matter prior to planting. Soil pH should be 6.2 to 6.8.
Water requirements: Keep soil consistently moist throughout the growing season. Moisture is critical to prevent cracked fruits and blossom end rot. Mulch soil to reduce water evaporation.
Frost-fighting plan: Tomato is a warm-weather crop—even a light frost will damage plants (28º F to 32º F). Protect newly planted seedlings by covering plants with a frost blanket.
Common issues: Pest-wise, watch out for tomato hornworms (big green caterpillars), slugs, pill bugs, rodents. In addition, humid weather invites fungal diseases like early blight and late blight. Plants may stop setting fruit when temperatures dip below 55˚ F or climb above 90˚ F. Blossom end rot can be a problem, as can misshapen fruit.
Harvesting: In general, perfectly ripe tomatoes show deep color but still feel firm when gently squeezed. Look up your specific variety for more details. Tomatoes do continue to ripen after being picked. Gently grab and twist until the tomato pulls free from the stem, or use a pair of clippers. Cut stems close to fruits.
Storage: Store picked tomatoes at room temperature indoors, or in a shady place outside. Never refrigerate tomatoes, because temperatures below 55° F cause flavor compounds to break down. Tomatoes will store longer if you allow stems and caps to remain in place until you’re ready to eat them. For peak flavor and nutrition, use within a week, although keeping time depends on how ripe fruit is when you pick it.
For more information, visit the Tomatoes page in our How to Grow section. http://bonnieplants.com/product/celebrity-tomato/


  • 24 сен 2015 00:31
    Celebrity Tomato. Fruit size: 7 to 8 oz /200 gr.+/
    Matures: 65 days after planting
    Spacing: 24 to 36 inches
    Plant size: 3 to 4 feet tall
    Plant type: Determinate
    Celebrity vines bear clusters of large tomatoes that are prized for their flavor. This is a great, all-round, dependable choice for your “basic” tomato needs — sandwiches, slicing, snacks, and bruschetta. Gardeners love that the plants are quite resistant to disease, too. The large, meaty fruit with exceptional flavor are borne on dependable, strong vines that benefit from the support of a cage or stake to keep them upright, especially when loaded with fruit. Celebrity is sometimes considered a semi-determinate tomato plant, because it grows to a certain height (3 to 4 feet) but continues to produce fruit all season until frost.

    Resistant to verticillium wilt (v), fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (F), nematodes, and tobacco mosaic virus (T).

    Some Bonnie Plants varieties may not be available at your local stores, as we select and sell varieties best suited to the growing conditions in each region.

    Categories: All America Winners, All Tomatoes, Classic, Determinate, Early Maturing, Most Popular, Super Disease Resistant, Tomatoes, Vegetables.
    At a Glance  Nutritional Information.

    Planting: Space 18 to 36 inches apart, depending on type. (Read the stick tag that comes with the plant for specific spacing recommendations.) Plant deeply, burying 2/3 of the stem.

    Soil requirements: Tomatoes need well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Amend soil with compost or other organic matter prior to planting. Soil pH should be 6.2 to 6.8.

    Water requirements: Keep soil consistently moist throughout the growing season. Moisture is critical to prevent cracked fruits and blossom end rot. Mulch soil to reduce water evaporation.

    Frost-fighting plan: Tomato is a warm-weather crop—even a light frost will damage plants (28º F to 32º F). Protect newly planted seedlings by covering plants with a frost blanket.

    Common issues: Pest-wise, watch out for tomato hornworms (big green caterpillars), slugs, pill bugs, rodents. In addition, humid weather invites fungal diseases like early blight and late blight. Plants may stop setting fruit when temperatures dip below 55˚ F or climb above 90˚ F. Blossom end rot can be a problem, as can misshapen fruit.

    Harvesting: In general, perfectly ripe tomatoes show deep color but still feel firm when gently squeezed. Look up your specific variety for more details. Tomatoes do continue to ripen after being picked. Gently grab and twist until the tomato pulls free from the stem, or use a pair of clippers. Cut stems close to fruits.

    Storage: Store picked tomatoes at room temperature indoors, or in a shady place outside. Never refrigerate tomatoes, because temperatures below 55° F cause flavor compounds to break down. Tomatoes will store longer if you allow stems and caps to remain in place until you’re ready to eat them. For peak flavor and nutrition, use within a week, although keeping time depends on how ripe fruit is when you pick it.

    For more information, visit the Tomatoes page in our How to Grow section.
