
  • 8 дек 2008 15:47

    Here's prayer requests for this month (December).
    1) This is the last week of classes for this semester, with final exams next week. Please pray that the teachers will be able to get all their material across to the students and that the students will absorb all they can and trust the Lord to help them with papers and exams.
    2) The college end-of-term/Christmas party will be held at Bill&Betsy place next Saturday afternoon andevening. Please pray that this will be a blessed time of fellowship for all.
    3) The students will be traveling home for the break, some leaving on the 19th, others the next day. Please pray for traveling mercies for all.

    Thank you again for your prayers for College  God bless.

  • 15 мар 2011 09:28

    привет помолитесь пожалуйста за Бухару и за нашу церковь Дом молитвы чтобы стала больше христиан в Узбекистане