
  • 16 июл 2013 22:56

    concetra ne podohla voobshe,a pro drugie ya daj ne slishala, nam ix I ne predlagali. skazali, 4to raz concerta ne podxodit nujno podbirat v drugoi grupe. vyvance vrode rabotaet, no naskolko mne izvestno, po nemu yavno menshe informazii , 4em naprimer o ritaline.

  • 17 июл 2013 15:49

    dexamfetamin - eto samyi rasprostranjonnyi zamenitelj dlja Ritalina....rabotate okolo 6 chasov i rabotaet chutj inache chem Ritaline .... s Dexamfetaminom i rebount syndroma pochti chto net.... Strattera horosha tem chto ona voobshe ne otnositsja k psychostimuljatoram... esli naznachat, to ne sleduet ozhidat'bystrogo effekta... toljko posle 3-4 nedelj stanovitsja jasno: horoshi effec tili net.  V krainem sluchae vozmozhna combinacija stimuljatora  ( Ritaline ili Dexamfetamine)  s Strattera. Ot Strattery k tomu zhe  redko ( pochti nikogda) tahikardija, pohudanie, plohoi son, tremoor....

  • 17 июл 2013 15:50

    chto chasto byvaet pri stimuljatorah... Stratera verojantee vsego obladaet i ljogkim antidepressivnym effectom

  • 17 июл 2013 15:50


  • 18 июл 2013 08:39


  • 21 июл 2013 04:32

    Alek, est' li u vas ivformazia, kak brotsia s rezkim zamedleniem rosta u rebenka 9 let (pimerno 1-1.5 sm v god), kak sledstvie priema vyvance/ ritalina I t.d. ?

    3 goda na tabletkax. roditeli visokie. eto nas o4en bespooit. spasibo!!!

  • 21 июл 2013 16:02

    ja mogu toljko predpolozhitj chto ot Ritalina-podobnogo mozhet byt' povyshennyi katabolizm = deti padajut v masse tela.... hodat kak skeletiki....ot takogo obmena veshestv ne vyrastishj.

  • 21 июл 2013 16:02

    vot sylka na statjut: <span style="background-color: rgb(241, 247, 235); color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: 'Droid Sans', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 24px;">Growth inhibition

    <p style="padding: 0px 0px 10px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 13px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: rgb(241, 247, 235); line-height: 24px; color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: 'Droid Sans', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;">Who is taking amphetamine in their medication regimen Notes deficit disorder in children may experience growth retardation, according to Georgetown University for the study of the learning center. The doctor advised the students to withdraw from taking the drug for two weeks each year, to re-establish the need for the support of the drug. The company's growth spurts have been reported in once the drug has been withdrawn from treatment, and others reported that there will be associated with the inhibition of growth, so the dose is related to children.

  • 21 июл 2013 16:04

    Methylphenidate: growth retardation.

    [No authors listed]


    Methylphenidate is an amphetamine psychostimulant used as a symptomatic treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. A randomised trial examined changes in the height and weight of 521 hyperactive children. After 14 months, children treated with methylphenidate had gained less height and less weight (-1.23 cm per year and -2.48 kg per year) than untreated children. After 3 years, the differences were about 2 cm and 2.7 kg. Systematic reviews have provided similar results: methylphenidate slows growth by about 1 to 1.5 cm per year. Catch-upgrowth usually occurs during a 2-year period after methylphenidate withdrawal. Studies of final adult height have shown no statistically significant difference versus never-treated individuals. The effect of methylphenidate on growth is probably due to its impact in reducing appetite. Dexamfetamine is sometimes used as an alternative to methylphenidate and has similar effects on growth, as is the case with atomoxetine. In practice, prescription renewal provides a good opportunity to measure these children's growth. Marked growth retardation may warrant treatment interruption or a dose reduction.

  • 21 июл 2013 16:09

    znachiteljno boljshe statei i isledovanii o podavljashem deistvii amfetaminov na vnutriutrobyi rost ploda pri ih sipoljzovanii materju.  

  • 21 июл 2013 16:10

    No kak vidite imenno zaerzhka rosta na ukazannye vami 1,5cm v god javljaetsja "novym" faktom kotoryj toljko toljko nachinaetsja opisyvatjsja v nauchnoi literature.

  • 21 июл 2013 16:12

    esli vash anglijskii slab...prsto skopirujute tekst v google translate i vyberite napravlenie perevoda...i vseh delov. Perevod ne smayi medicinskie teksty obychno ne slozhnye ...esli chego budet ne ponjatno posle perevoda: sprashivaite!

  • 21 июл 2013 20:01

    spasibo , pro4itaiu obiazatelno !